Monday, March 11, 2013

The Alarm Clock...A Thing That Should NEVER Have Been Invented.

First of all, I want you all to know that I'm dedicating this blog post to my alarm clock, the object in my life that has faithfully and repeatedly awakened me from blissful sleep with it's ear screeching siren, and traumatized me forever. First of all, in my mind, alarm clocks are the most disturbing inventions in the world. Why, you say? Because for years, they have traumatized humans anywhere from toddlers to adults. Imagine, (okay don’t. I know you can identify) that you're sleeping peacefully, and all of a sudden, an ear defining siren screams from behind you. I ask you this question: Is this a humane way to awaken? OF COURSE NOT! I suggest that instead of traumatizing humans with its ear piercing blare, we should invent a peaceful way to awaken humans from their sleep. I can almost imagine how the alarm clock smirks before turning on its sirin, knowing it will scare me half to death. This outrage must be stopped! Perhaps we could create a better way to wake up in the morning? Music? Anything! Will anyone save us from this tireless burden, or will we be forced to surrender our morning routine to this villainous, and cruel awakener?


  1. Actually, I have an alarm where you can have an annoying alarm sound or you can use music and other songs. the other day I did a really dreaming peaceful sound and i didnt wake up thinking i had a heart attack trying to wake up and quick shut the thing up. So yea..they DO make alarms wayy better on ipods!

  2. you can use other noises too but i prefer music

  3. You could pay 200 bucks for an ipod and have it wake you up to your music of choice:) I agree though, I had an alarm clock that had a metal bell it hit and my family swore they could hear it in the basement (i was on the second floor:)

    1. you dont want to know how much i payed for my ipod. Lets just say it was a lot more than that..I have a 5th one (the newest)

  4. I agree with you, Nat!:) This morning my alarm was on radio, and it came on to a really loud, weird song.:)

  5. You describe the terror perfectly. I love your imagining the evil thoughts of the alarm clock just before it goes off. I have often just used my phone on vibrate on a hard surface near my bed, but even that can be pretty traumatizing! Great, dramatic, well-written post!
