Have you ever had a bunch of things you would like to do, but you never really get around to? Join the band wagon. This here, sister, is one thing I struggle with. I make all these resolutions to change, which never actually come to be a reality in my life. Why? Because I can't change on my own. I guess this is something I've been realizing lately, ya know? I am so incompetent of doing anything good in my life, then I get discouraged, depressed--call it what you like--instead of turning to the One who can actually CHANGE me. I'm learning that changing happens not when I hold onto my struggles, and try in vain to mold myself, but when I hand my struggles over to God, and cry out "HELP...!"
I seem to learn this lesson over and over, and over, and will continue to be taught this for the rest of my life! I still am struggling, falling...failing. Thanks be to Jesus, who is still there, picking me up, and taking me by the hand!
Anyway, here is a list of thing I would eventually like to do (They aren't all serious. Some are actually quite stupid, but I still want to do them sometime in my life... I guess you could call this a kind of bucket list. Pictures are from Pinterest (you know, that website you go on for hours with all those cool ideas, that you never get around to doing!) * insert a smiley emoticon, because I can't figure out how to do that, and don't want to take the time to figure it out*
-Go on an Adventure
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-Drink Coffee Black...and Enjoy it.
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-Be A Hermit For a Week.
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- Keep My Room Clean on a Regular Basis...
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#5 Get into the Habit of Praying Continuously
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So anyway, that's the end of my post! I hope you enjoyed it, and that I made you smile! Thank you if you read all the way through it! You guys make my day!
Heaven’s bounties raining down
The Holy Spirit, pouring out
The worthless vessels--
transformed from dust
Into treasured children, adopted
Though hands and feet, crucified,
The love of God was magnified.
To show the price, His blood was
The spotless one has paid our
Freed from the prison, shall I
Eagerly running to chains and
Forsaking the freedom, ignoring
the cost
All to seek treasures easily
Why does this body rebel once
Compelled to run from the God who
has loved,
Not without cost, nor sparing His
The sins I fight, I love the
Daily I battle the desire for
I struggle, I doubt…I’ve been
here before.
Thanks be to Christ Jesus once
He who won the battle once and
for all
And gives me the strength daily—on Him
I will call!
Great post Nat! You are so cute even when you write! Way to go being brave and drinking for coffee black!! defiantly has an acquired taste. Being a hermit for a week sounds so fun! and really scary...me and you girl!
ReplyDeleteThanks Laurel! Your comment made my day! =)